Sunday, June 05, 2005

She’s freaking me out

Lily was a pretty easy infant. She had a bout with colic that afforded us hours of crying each night, but that didn’t last too long. She always nursed well, slept pretty well, enjoyed being in the car, always even tempered… a dream really. So, it was only natural that we’d assume our second child would act as the spawn of Satan.

You can imagine my shock at the amount of sleep I’ve managed to get this first week. This kid sleeps in blocks of like FOUR hours. YES, IN A ROW! And you know what I can do with her? I can set her down for a moment, walk away and pee in silence! No screaming as though she is being poked with hot metal sticks. She just lays there and looks around and coos happily at the pretty lights. She’s just so damn agreeable… not at all like I assumed the spawn of Satan would be. It’s quite possible that she’s setting us up big. But for now, I’m going to have to enjoy this brilliantly easy kid.

Oh, and the necrotic flesh fell off the other day; she now has a beautiful, perfect belly button.