Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The nutter-fink and the snotty one

Mark is out of town again and so guess what I did to my children? MANIPULATED THEM, THAT’S WHAT! I figured out that if I lay Anya down in the cradle and pull the cover up over her head, she’ll sleep for hours! And yes, she can breathe, here, see:
cover me

This is wildly convenient when Lily is dragging me to the kitchen for the next course of her all day snack-o-rama every two minutes (you think I’m exaggerating? I can assure you I am not). Or when she needs to show me she peed in the potty, which is a big deal and does require a bunch of jumping up and down, clapping and yay-ing. Also when she wants undivided attention because she mistakenly believes she’s the only child in this house. I swear, the hour or so today when Anya was actually awake and nursing was when Lily HAD to have my attention. Little nutter. I can’t really attribute all the sleeping to the blanket-over-the-head trick. The poor little boo is still fighting that cold. She’ll be all happy and fine and then start snorting like a piggy, followed by a random projection of snot from her poor little nose. At least it’s clear snot now; it was all sorts of color there for a while. PAR-TAY at her face, let me tell you!

And how did I manipulate my eldest, you might be asking? I told her it was bedtime... about 45 minutes before it was bedtime. Hey, until she can read a clock, this kind of thing is fair game! Especially when she’s driving me up the freaking wall! I’ve learned that I kind of hit my limit around six pm and I can hold out on my own until seven, but God Save the Queen if I can make it to eight without a little back-up. Apparently I’m only good at this parenting gig for a limited number of hours and start to loose my shine, baby. I’m willing to accept this bit of me but I swear, if Mark ever leaves me I’m totally screwed. Heck, if he takes a five day gig I fear for my sanity.

She did manage to get me back by picking up a little habit called LIEING! Seriously, I heard her whining in there and calling for me, so I went to check in on her.

“Diaper?” she asked.
“Do you need a new diaper?”
“Diaper.” She nodded.
“Did you poop?” I asked, thinking no way would she have soaked a diaper after only ten minutes.
“Poop!” She confirmed.

Yeah, there was no poop in there. Heck, there was no pee in there! Little fink.

Ah, but I love my little fink. And the other one; the snotty one. Love ‘em both.

All the cool kids are doing it:
Nursing is cool

Cheesy grins:
Cheesy grins