Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I got home last night to homemade mac and cheese… really, made with real sharp cheddar cheese rather than out of a box with powdered cheese. Mark had decided that since it had been my first day in real maternity clothes (which I had to keep pulling up and rolling down the waist band, btw) then I should get some comfort food. He made some nice peas as well, which was all Lily would eat. She tried some of the mac and cheese and didn’t seem to find it offensive, she just was really digging the peas.

Which brings me to my next point. Mark’s little sister used to be affectionately called Amanda-Panda-Pee-Pooh. I took great delight in pointing out that tomorrow, Lily would be blessing Mark with Pea-Poo all day long! HA!

I kill me.


Elaine said...

I know it involved a stick of butter, a crap load of shredded cheddar and a can of condensed milk. I think he melted the butter and mixed it in with the milk, then threw all of it over the top of fresh, hot pasta, which melted the cheese. He got the rec. out of "The Joy of Cooking." Note: you need a lot less cheese than you would for the boxed stuff... the flavor is really intense. Make LOTS of pasta for this. YUMMY!

Elaine said...

Hmmm... chicken tacos. Thanks, now I'll be thinking about those all day! And yes honey, you always deserve comfort food. You have children.

Good luck on the weight loss. I'm hoping to lose the baby weight faster this time around as I look back on photos and want to bawl. Ick.

Thanks for the linky!