Friday, September 23, 2005

Not a stalker, but I play one on TV!

I love the community we have all managed to develop through blogging and am constantly catching myself starting my sentences with, “My friend ______, who I know online…” I realized the other day how very much I want to be able to stop saying “who I know online” with some of these amazing women. However, not being infinitely wealthy and as the mother of two small children, visiting you all to become “real” friends isn’t such a possibility.

But every once in a while, the planets align and it falls into focus.

Christa (Daphne Blue) only lives an hour and a half away and so we met and fell in love and had a bunch of babies. Wait, that wasn’t me. We did meet and we did fall in a kind of love and we have had many a “girl… girl, no she didn’t!” kinda phone conversation as well as some rocking good visits (and she’s having a baby, it’s just not mine). And my world opened just a bit more.

Stella and I launched the Bitchen Kitchen and have chatted up the phone lines, giggling and saying impossibly brilliant things about the world, our husbands, our children, our choices. If only hurricanes would stop pummeling her region, I’d SO be on a plane to go say hello.

Then there’s Allison with her wit, her knitting genius, her adorable smile, and a genuine sense of caring. She’s one of those people you want to be friends with, even if she’s younger and hipper than you will ever be. She’s throwing a shin-dig at her casa next month and I started to really think about it. I’ve always wanted to go to Colorado. We have a little extra money right now, why not? Feeling like a creepy stalker chick, I asked her if I could come. AND SHE SAID YES. SO! Anya and I will be jumping on a plane and visiting the Blevins. Alas it’s only a weekend and alas I cannot afford to bring Lily, but I get to meet the girl behind the screen! I’m so excited right now, I’m afraid I just might hurt myself.

And so I watch for cheap flights, for a possible car rental, I think of the logistics of traveling with a baby. My community grows and I am alive with excitement, of traveling alone (kinda) and looking forward to greeting another blogging mama that will help me shorten my sentences.

Who will I get to stalk next?