Monday, February 28, 2005

I'm thinking of changing the name of this here blog. You're all high if you think I'm going to start another blog for baby #2 when s/he comes along. Granted, this baby will be part of Lily's World, so technically, the name will still fit. I just want to expand it a bit.
Current ideas on the table:
311 Maple Street (kudos to whoever knows the reference).
Gingerland (has to do with our last name)
One Happy Family (already own the url and could just redirect)
Satan's spawn (just kidding... although it has a nice ring to it)
OR.....? Any thoughts, folks?

Speaking of name changes: when my husband and I got married, we chose to have Mark take my name rather than the traditional. This has to do with a lot of reasons, which I won't bore you with here. We were married in May of 2000 and my dear sweet husband is still legally saddled with his own name. He thought the process would be difficult as it is out of the norm and besides that, is terrible with paperwork. I would have done it for him (I'm brilliant, BRILLIANT with paperwork) but I felt that something this big had to be entered into freely and with all your own intent. So I refused to do it for him.

Today, we went over to the Social Security office and in five minutes he had filled out the paperwork and was told he'd get a new card in 5-10 days. Waaaa? That was easy. The guy that helped him did mention that it was only the second time he'd seen it in the three years he's worked there. So, the wheels are finally in motion. After he gets the SS Card we hit the DMV, then the bank, then start sending letters out. Totally and completely wild. By the time this baby is born we will all have the same last name.



Anonymous said...

I like Gingerland. It sounds like a pretty Cocteau Twins song.

That rocks your fella took your name. I would think it was cool if Coffeeboy did it, but my maiden name was HIGHTOWER and I wouldn't wish that on anyone!

Daph said...

I like 311 Maple Street. I have NO IDEA what it's supposed to reference, though. I did a google search, and I got nothin'.

I also like One Happy Family.

Or Satan's Spawn... heh. But you'd have to change your background, ya know, to something more e-VIL. Want me to e-mail you a picture of me?

Anonymous said...

I know what you are referring to with 311 Maple Street: the “Leave it to Beaver” address, but I always thought it was 211 Maple Street. Since I did not know which one it was, I, of course, had to look it up. According to The Leave it to Beaver FAQ, the actual address was 211 Pine Street and Another Site said that the Beaver’s first home was at 485 Maple Drive. So 311 Maple Street is probably not a good name.

P.S. I LOVE the Cocteau Twins

Elaine said...

OK, this has got to be my borther Matt commenting here! I looked it up AFTER I posted this one and realized exactly what you did... feel like a DORK, I do. But hey, it's minor.