Friday, February 04, 2005

Mark had extra foam insulation stuff and so shot it into a huge mass that looks vaguely brain-ish. Here Lily watches him dig it out.

The finished product fits nicely on Lily's head. She's super brain baby!

Lily works on the buckle for the new baby's car seat. It's second hand, so I had to remove the cover for a wash, which gives Lily access to all the buckle bits.

The best way to blog is nekked!


Daph said...

Such cute pictures! The brain one cracked me up, and I think the little booty shot on the computer is too adorable. Did I ever tell you that we wanted to name Phoebe Lily instead? The reason we didn't is because we know a chick whose daughter is named Lily... but I love that name. :)

Elaine said...

You see that structure in which he stands? He made it. Yep, built it with his own two hands. Mark is a carpenter and is constructing a shed/workshop village of buildings under the permitable size... and by that I mean we don't have to get permits to build them. This was his first completed structure.

I know what you're thinking and you can say it: he's a total stud muffin.

kitten said...

men and their toys.

and i blog nekkid a;ll the tim...the neighbors are starting to complain as i often blog on the porch...