Sunday, March 26, 2006


Lily at the Dam

Before Mark and I had these silly urchins in our lives, we managed a small, informal hiking club. We'd get together once a week to hike a local park with friends from our theatre lives which gave us an excuse to have really cool hiking books from REI. We’ve gotten back to the trails sporadically, but not nearly as often as any of us would like. And with this extra baby weight just hanging around... well, it’s not going to loose itself, you know what I’m saying?

So I finally made the realization that if someone was expecting me to be there, I’d actually show up and emailed our playgroup friends. This is where we’ll be and this is when. Show up if you’d like, don’t if you can’t: but we’ll be there!

Today was our first hike and only one other family was able to make it on such short notice. Lily was the trail master and lead us all over the place, ending up at the dam where Van kicked his shoes into the rush of water; only one was able to be saved. Hey, his mom did say that after they left the park they were going to get him new shoes... I guess he wanted to make sure. And wouldn’t you know it, but naptime goes so much easier when the kid is worn out. BONUS!

Anyway, the weather is turning nice. Call some friends and get your ass out there. It’s totally worth it!

As always, you can find a few more photos over at Flickr.