Sunday, March 13, 2005

I’m at work today and I just went out to my car to run an errand for work (and to pick up some henna for my locks). As I’m approaching my car, I notice a piece of paper stuck under my windshield wipers. This is never a good thing. Either someone is trying to sell you some crap you don’t want or someone has left you a note about how un-American you are for having a bumper sticker that says “Hatred is not a family value.” I guess to them, hate is something they think of when they think family… poor bastards.

This time the note said:
Hit & Run
Plate # 4UBN658 silver car
We saw hit & run.
Jordan & Shilpi
Their phone number

I walk to the back of my car and sure enough, big ass swipe that clearly wasn’t there when I parked that morning. OK, so it's not huge, but it's not tiny either! The space that the woman tried to get into was a motorcycle spot, clearly marked as such and will not fit a car… unless you hit the innocent vehicle to your right. In this case: ME! I called the woman who witnessed the whole thing and she told me it was some blonde lady talking on a cell phone that hit my car, backed up and DROVE AWAY without a thought. Jordan and her husband thought it best to leave me a note (bless them) and she assured me it would be fine to pass along her information to the police and my insurance. Not that the police are going to really DO anything other than give me a record number to give to my insurance. Doubt they’ll even break a pinky. Maybe I’ll get lucky and they’ll at least write her a ticket. One can only hope.

When I was pregnant with Lily I got hit in a parking lot, but that time I was in the car (rather than blissfully unaware and macking on too many Thin Mints in my office). This happened so close to Lil’s due date that when I dropped off my car for repairs I was pregnant and when I picked it up I had a baby in my arms. Man, did that lady’s insurance JUMP when they realized how pregnant I was. It was funny. I guess this is the universes way of saying, “HEY, get knocked up and we’ll knock your car around!” See? See how the universe can be such a bitch?


Daph said...

Oh NO she DID NOT hit your car and drive away. BEYOTCH! I am so gonna hunt her down and side swipe HER. With a MACHETE!

How can people DO stuff like that? Ugh. Thank GAWD those people saw her do it, and were so kind to help you out and leave you that note. Not as much fun as side swiping someone with a machete, but helpful, nevertheless.

Alcuin Bramerton said...

A traditional Norfolk koan may assist:

School run

It was not easy to shave her legs,
While driving a car full of children on the school run,
While making a call on her mobile to the hairdressers,
While doing breathing exercises,
While listening to Classic FM,
While eating chocolate,
And testing her oldest son on his photosynthesis.
But she did it.
Such is the energy of the Goddess these days.

More may be encountered: