Saturday, December 31, 2005

Spirit of the Season OR Don't Push the River

Things have been a bit crazy over here in the Wannabe Hippie household. We’ve had family in from out of town, two sick girls, two sick parents, a dog who is having some odd health issue we can’t figure out and countless home projects that just haven’t been done. Right now my husband is trying to fix a roofing issue before the rain comes while I bake brownies for a party we are going to tonight. When did staying up ‘till midnight become such a task? Right, kids. Everything changed when we had kids. How could it not?

But hey, my house is actually clean and I hear my tiny girl giggling at the bigger one. They are “talking” softly to each other, Lily using words and Anya using noise. Lily keeps talking about the nummy chocolate mommy is making. That’s my girl. I let her lick the spoon as there were no eggs in the recipe (it’s vegan) and with chocolate smeared all over her face and top section I laughed at her mess, sending her off to change her shirt.

This is the spirit of the season. Mess, laughter, stress, sick kids… chaos theory really thrives this time of year. I just keep reminding myself that I don’t push the river, the river pushes me. Go with the flow and let it be. Live in the present. And of course, the biggest of the mama mantras: This too shall pass.

The baby is crying and my toddler is yelling “ALL DONE!” from the potty. I must away. Have a great new years night and stay safe! We’ll see you all next year!