Monday, December 05, 2005

Mountain photos

It’s still really cold here but we’re holed up in the little room next to Lily’s with the space heater on full blast and The Jungle Book on the tube. Thanks to the joys of wireless internet, I am able to get the cabin photos up.

Lily thought the cabin was our new house and didn’t get that it was only a visit. She wanted to stay. The cat thought the place was great, seeming to enjoy the cabin more than our home in the city. The dog romped her little heart out and we made good food, lots of laughs and had a blast. My mom and her husband came up for a night as well and we loved having them with us.

Wish you were all there! The place is big enough. One of these days were all gonna have to meet up there and have an internet free blogging party! Weeee!

Click on the photo below for a slideshow of our trip.

Mark & Lily