Tuesday, April 12, 2005

DONE: Buy homebirth supplies.
DONE: Set up birth pool (might as well get some fun out of it with Lily).
DONE: Blow up the birth ball (oh, more fun with Lily!).
DONE: Organize diaper supplies and see what we still need (covers!).
DONE: Go through baby clothes and pull out needed items; launder the suckers.
* Select a pediatrician that doesn’t suck eggs.
* Buy and assemble dresser/changing table for our room.
* Buy changing table topper (contour style) and covers.
* Build/install shelf for diaper supplies in our room.
* Find/install dimmer switch to shelf.
* Put the small TV in the bedroom for the late-night-won’t-sleep-mamas-going-insane-and-needs-to-zone-
out-on-bad-late-night-TV evenings. Cable would be nice too. OH, and a VCR!
* Make enough freezer food to feed a small African nation.
* Go see a movie or two in the theatre with my husband.
* In fact, a couple of date nights would be brilliant.
* Rest.