Friday, April 08, 2005

I'm checking email at the library and here's what I found funny:
1.) I have 8 minutes left
2.) ChickenFlickens site is disallowed (your mouth, girl!)
3.) Coffeegirl's site looks FUNKY
4.) OneHotMama, one of my favorite online chat groups, won't come up at all. IT'S NOT PORN you library natzis!
5.) Can I spell check?
6.) Down to 7 minutes.
7.) I've got only a 1/2 hour left before I need to go pick up my daugter. I'm in the beach and THIS is what I chose to do with my time?
8.) I want to comment on people's sites but am afraid to.
9.) FIVE minutes left (was there some sort of freaking time warp?)
10.) If I don't go now, you'll never hear from me again.

The family is running off to a wedding in another state so I won't be around (unless I find a library). The stalkers may have my house, I just don't care anymore.


Just checked on the post and you know what they did? They removed certain words! Can you see them: whore, porn, (and you're not going to believe this one) girl.

I'll check back before we hit the road!