Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Lily has a new word and my GODDESS do we hear it often. She’s discovered butter and thinks it’s the best thing ever. I think she’d eat if off a knife if we allowed her. She wanders around the house playing with toys and randomly shouting “Budder?” She’ll repeat this request until someone shows up with something slathered with butter. Cream cheese is also “budder,” in case you didn’t know. And she’s starting to bust out with the two word sentences now. Guess what they most commonly are? Guess! OK fine: “More budder!” or “Budder, please!” Are you starting to get how important butter has become to her life? Luckily for us, she's a pretty skinny toddler so we just go with it. She can use all the fat she can get.

In other news, Lily has received her first dog bite. We went to a friend’s house last night and she discovered one of the squeaky dog toys. She thought it was a blast to make it squeak over and over and over and over… The dog just got a little too riled up and when she failed to throw it he jumped up and nipped her in the back. She was shocked at such behavior, as was the dog owners who immediately let him know he was a bad dog and locked him in a bedroom upstairs. Lily had nothing more than a small scratch (which our hostess dutifully cleaned with a bit of hydrogen peroxide) and a slightly wounded bit of pride. I was incredibly calm about the whole thing (despite my recent hormonal attacks) and spent more time soothing our hosts as Lily got over it after a hug and quick cry. She actually missed the dog once he was banished, so she seems not to be scarred for life.

Final thought for the day (or post, really… who knows what I’ll come up with later in the day): yesterday I ate a lemon bar and inside of ten minutes it felt like the baby was doing a jig. At one point it felt like s/he was running a little matchbox car around in there and I thought, for just a moment, I could see the imprint of little wheels zooming across the backside of my belly button. I have no idea how the bean got a car in there but am hoping that it was just something I swallowed while in the midst of one of my pregnant lady feeding frenzies. At least the kid will have something to do.