Thursday, January 05, 2006

Domestic Dreamscapes #1

SO! I’m doing this whole postcard swap thing and I was totally clueless as to artistic inspiration. I’m a theme person and if I don’t have a direction I can’t do ANYTHING! I thought and thought and thought and thought and thought and thought and then I ate some CAKE!

AND THEN it hit me, yo. What kind of funky dreams does one have when they are a stay at home mom? Sad ones. Odd ones. Dreams that climb on rocks. Anyway!

Here’s the first in my little series:

“Last night I dreamed my dog was a super hero.”

dog hero

And yes, that would be my Maya dog. Don’t you just want to eat her up? Or would you rather have cake? ‘Cause cake is inspirational, dammit! AND FULL OF SUGAR!
