Friday, May 13, 2005

Tagged? Ah, crap

Phoebe tagged me, the brat! I hate these things and will usually ignore them, but this one actually looked good. Although when I read Daphne’s responses, I wanted to just say, “Yeah, what she said!”

The rules are simple when you're tagged.
Choose 5 items from the list to write about.
Tag 3 other individuals when you're done.

If I could be a scientist I’d study all the AP issues that don’t get enough attention. I’d support/research co-sleeping, extended breastfeeding, non or delayed vaccination, baby wearing, cloth diapers, ect. I’d have to also be a brilliant PR wiz so I could get the info out there, but hey if I’m smart enough to be a scientist, I’m going to take it for granted that I can do that too.

If I could be a farmer
If I could be a doctor

If I could be a painter… well, let’s face it. We can all be painters. I guess what this should really say is, “If I could be a really freaking awesome painter…” What would I paint? I don’t have a clue. I would paint the word as I see it, full of color in most spaces and dark and dreary in others. I would paint my daughters face over and over and over again. I would paint my husbands perfectly beautiful eyes as they smile at me. I would paint my own body, full with child. I would paint things that mean something to me on a primal level and not just landscapes and pretty things.

If I could be a gardener
If I could be a missionary

If I could be a chef I would figure out how to make food delicious and nutritious… without tasting like chicken (sorry, bad movie reference). But seriously, I’d find a way to make good, whole food that people would actually crave and it would be so damn good for them that it would be a sin not to eat it.

If I could be an architect
If I could be a linguist
If I could be a psychologist

If I could be a librarian I would spend all day moving throughout the stacks, touching the books and randomly reading snippets from all the classics. I’d set aside a room for those who want to be quiet and a big space for those who don’t. I would encourage people to read aloud from their favorite books and then go write some of their own poetry on the walls. I would have a HUGE section on natural parenting and I’d throw out all the books that encourage you to leave your child alone in a crib to “cry it out.” OK, well I wouldn’t throw them out, but I’d put a parent advisory sticker on them: “may be hazardous to your child’s health and well being.” I’d make sure women had space to nurse their children and it would be nowhere near the bathroom. I’d have seminars on tandem nursing, nursing toddlers, LLL meetings, etc. Wow… I’m such a hippie.

If I could be an athlete
If I could be a lawyer
If I could be an innkeeper
If I could be a professor
If I could be a writer

If I could be a llama rider I’d be the best damn llama rider in the whole world! Nothing else to say about that.

If I could be a bonnie pirate
If I could be an astronaut
If I could be a world famous blogger
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world
If I could be married to any current famous political figure

OK, I hate to tag people because it just seems so damn “chain letter-ish.” But here’s who I’m tagging: Angela, Corey, and our very own Not Yet Famous Artist. Sorry y’all. I’m just evil like that. Oh, and I don't believe a single bad thing will happen to you if you don't "continue the chain and tag others." Do what you will!