Monday, June 07, 2004

We took Lil to her first movie today, Shrek 2. She did really well at first, sat in her own chair and ate nacho chips, drank out of her nifty cup. Then when the movie started she nursed some and then settled into my lap to watch, thumb securely tucked into her mouth. About half way through (or so) she needed a diaper change and Mark was awesome enough to take her. When they got back, she started hollering at things. She was in a good mood, just wanted to yell at things. So, I had to take her out for a walk. She had a blast running up and down the hallway and overall, had a great time with her movie. I missed most of it, but that's ok... it was more about her having a positive experience. We know she's too young for movies, but we wanted to go so we were selfish and went!

Anyway, new dipes arrived in the mail today and I am all excited about using them! Cute dipes, cute dipes, ra ra ra!! I'll post some picture of them!

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