Tuesday, June 01, 2004

In a wicked bad mood this eve; restless, annoyed and just ready to bicker. Mark just loves it when I'm this grumpy. Don't ask me why I feel this way, I haven't figured it out yet. But I'm sure it's all someone’s fault ;).

Lil's two latest teeth are giving her a run for her money. She's been chewing on her fingers, mostly on the left side, and drooling like a mad woman. She's actually in a great mood most of the time. She's so thrilled with herself and her new found ability to walk that sometimes she walks with her hands way up in the air, just to prove she doesn't need them. She'll often complete the ensemble with an enthusiastic raspberry. Kinda reminds me of a baboon... betcha I'll pay for that comment later.

To be fair, she makes a really adorable baboon.

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