Monday, December 08, 2003

Lily has figured out the joy of raspberries... not the kind you eat, but the kind that make a big wet mess and cause giggles. She's not very good at them yet, but she's defiantly working on it.

She's had a very clingy day. I suspect incoming teeth, but we've been suspecting that since she was three-months-old. Ah well, it could be a while... might as well get comfy. Right now she's eating some toys after having a bath and some naked time with Daddy. Babies really seem to enjoy naked time... at least this one does. She rolled around on the carpet flapping her arms and legs and going "ah ha!"

We went to Windmill Farms today and got a load of groceries. We used Lily's new Ultimate Baby Wrap and she spent most of the time reaching up to touch my mouth. She'd be all nice and soft hands until, out of the blue, she'd suddenly grab my lips and attempt to rip them off. Now that's good stuff. She got her usual ration of attention and got to do some serious flirting with a bag boy. She sure likes boys...

Anyway, am enjoying this bit of time while Mark has the binken. Must go eat something sweet to celebrate!