Saturday, April 17, 2004

Yeah, totally at the end of our rope over here. I am an emotional zero these days and am frequently found rocking in the middle of the night, screaming baby in arms, tears coursing down my face and muttering, "I can't do this, I just can't DO this." I even threatened to run away last night. Mark put some Tylenol into her and that bought us about four hours of sleep, but then it started all over again. Putting her into another room isn't an option... if you've seen the house you know that. Besides, I can't just listen to her scream in another room. Must hold crying baby.

I keep reminding myself that this too shall pass. That this behavior is related to a temporary need. She is teething or on the verge of a new skill. Yesterday at my moms, she let her fingers trail along the coffee table while she BIG stepped with her right foot and let the left catch up. Then another BIG step with her right, etc etc. In this manner she went around the table thrilled with herself. That's a lot to work out though, this walking business. Babies process all their crap at night (kinda like us adults).

If you awake in the middle of the night send us poor tired mommas some loving strength. We're needing that support right now!