Friday, April 09, 2004

She's working on words. Yesterday, Mark said "Yeah, that's a brush" and she looked at his mouth and said "Brrrra!" She says "Yeah" sometimes, not sure yet if it's actually an affirmative or just a sound. She babbles Dadadada like a madwoman, and sometimes gives me a mamama. While napping on my lap the other day, someone knocked on the door and made the dog bark. She sat up and said "Dad?" It's hard to know if these are words or sounds. I figure there will be a moment when it's just obvious: she'll say something and we'll get it. In the mean time, we're just enjoying listening to her babbles.

Tomorrow we go to Sarah's first birthday party. Then next month, Carmella turns one and THEN... scary thought coming up, brace yourself: Lily turns one. Totally freaks me out. I'm having a lot of "totally freaks me out" moments with this parenting thing. Have a feeling it's not going to stop.