Saturday, September 20, 2003

You awoke full of energy, wiggling like a little mad-woman, feet kicking, arms waving, full voice as you chattered away at the ceiling, at Daddy's back; squirming sideways in bed so that your crown was pressed to Daddy and your feet could kick at the air where Mommy had just been. I watched you from the bathroom mirror, giggling at you until my laughter woke your Dad and he rolled over, smiled at you and snuggled your crazy limbs close. On the changing table, your wiggling rose to gymnastics, back arching, legs firmly slamming to the surface while arms made manic circles in the air. Facing the wall you announced "ahhhh, ah OH!" with such joy and mouth open in a huge smile, enjoying being naked and clean. Your smile is infectious... it makes my whole body resonate with joy and I wonder how we ever got so lucky as to have you in our lives.