Saturday, January 31, 2004

Last night we went to see Hamlet at Lamb's Players Theatre and left the little Lil with my mom. She had napped really well while spending the day with her daddy and so, when deposited at my mothers, spent the evening playing and laughing and crawling happily about. My mom said they had a great time! When we arrived just after midnight to pick her up, however, she had suddenly reached her limit and as I stepped from the car heard angry wails from my sweet baby. As I had already had a bit of a leak at the cast party, I went running for my girly! After just a quick nursing session, she was ready to play again. We got home around 1am and put our sleeping baby directly to bed... where she stayed until almost 11am! She woke to nurse around 7am and I actually got out of bed (feeling refreshed, rested, HAPPY) around 9:30 and baked a coffee cake, did some cleaning and just generally felt better than I have in a LONG time. It's a wonder what some good solid sleep will do for you.