Sunday, August 31, 2003

Today is Clarise's third birthday and we will have a little party up on the mountain. Last night, we slept in the trailer in the woods. Maya growled and chuffed a bit at random noises. Lily didn't fuss too much and then slept pretty well throughout. It was so dark, I couldn't see her until dawn started to break, something that doesn't happen in our home in the city. Made me nervous... Lily's been doing great up on the mountain and there have been many hands to hold her and show Lily off to the forest. Everyone is so surprised by how much Lil sleeps. We're so used to it. Yesterday, when we arrived on the mountain, we went on over to the Palomar Mountain Fire Department BBQ and had a yummy plate of meat, salad, beans, etc. Even Maya got to sit with us. Today will be sandwiches in the airstream. We may stay one more night... may not.

Oh, more for the mountain! Today, while the guys and Michelle were off sending wood through the chipper (Lily and I were playing in the airstream) they ran across a yellow jacket nest. Next thing we know, the whole group is running, flailing their arms and yelping their way back to us. Mark got stung on the forehead and then noticed one furiously trying to sting his glove. Mike got hit a bunch of times, as did Michelle (he head got attacked like Tippy Hedron in "The Birds"), Uncle Bob. Only Cousin Jim was spared!